Polymeric Sand Application to minimize weeds on Patio

July 13, 2016 Wed

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

I have been doing polymeric sand application for those with weedy interlocks in my clients patio and garden. I don’t advertise this service as much, as there are contractors that does specific sealer application. It  is  a very intricate job, and I am very concern with quality and working around the weather is such a challenge.

However, for small area, I do it as part of making your garden neat and tidy. Those pesky weeds keep coming back on the patio is such an eye sore. Patio sealing with polymer sand has been a solution, and  it takes time to prepare and clean out the pation stones.  I am very concern with quality, therefore I recommend that there are no short cuts to do this job. My preference is to  do it the right way so it is worth my time and your trust.

This video is specific for the polymeric sands installed to re-seal the joints to prevent weed growth and my procedures for installation is roughly the same: Polymeric Sand Application on Pavers

In Ottawa gardens, most applications are for smaller area and here are my requirements, observations and recommendations:


  1. Pressure wash or brush the area to remove any soil or sand outwash.
  2. Dry for 24 hours before application, so I come back the next day for installation. I need at least 10 degrees C and no forecast of rain, so that sealer can settle in. If in doubt, I will wait for a better weather.
  3. The application will be putting polymeric sand into the interlock joints.  I use a funnel to distribute sand evenly into the joints and use broom or leaf blower after the remove excess.(I know most contractors dump all the bag of sand and use a broom – for commercial applications, but for smaller areas, I prefer directing the sand into the joints. Less waste of the product, and precise applications.  )
  4. I work in set of 50-100 square feet for misting, set of 30 sec mist to make sure all joints are thoroughly wet. While product labels says drying time is 90 minutes, it varies per temperature. Recently, in Ottawa, it is 90 minutes and in cloudy conditions, it took at least 8 to 12 hours.
  5. I need to make sure that you are not using your patio in the next 48 hours. I need it to dry completely. NO BBQ sauce or ketchup spilling please.
  6. The Polysand, Techni Seal or any polysand products needs to cure for 30 days, so please don’t spill any harsh chemicals within the area. No horticultural vinegar or any cleaners, otherwise it is a waste of both our time.

In summary, I will need to pressure wash the area to prepare, let it dry for 12 hours. Come back the next day for application,  then another 24 hours to dry after application. AND  if you can, 30 days of  light usage of the area, or not using the area at all to  let the product settle in.

I know the last part is impossible, we need to BBQ in our patio, but just be aware to avoid vinegar, dish soap and other chemical cleaners  from spilling in the area.

The longevity of the product (poly sand seals) relies on proper application and usage of your patio. So, if we work together to get the application right, you will enjoy a weed free patio for the season or two.

Enjoy the BBQ!wp-image-1739372937jpg.jpg





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Plant nerd, rock climber, active mom, global citizen. Current Home: Oh, canada!

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